SPEDTex has a new page of transition resources to help families plan for their child’s transition to life outside the public school system. Under Texas law, not later than when a student reaches 14 years of age, the admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee must consider and, if appropriate, address transition services for a child served by special education. Families can come to the ARD meeting with a vision for their child in adulthood and questions about any areas where more information is needed. This website includes a collection of videos, guides, checklists, and documents to provide helpful transition planning resources for families at any stage (from early childhood to high school graduation).
Our Special Education mission at Idalou ISD is to promote student achievement, provide individualized supports, and prepare all students to become successful and productive citizens.
UPDATED: Notice of Procedural Safeguards and Parent’s Guide to the ARD Process -In October of 2020, the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) required TEA to make several edits to these documents. A summary of changes for each document, as well as the updated documents, can be found HERE. A copy of the updated information has been sent home. Please let Amy Estrada know if for some reason you did not receive your copy.
Senate Bill 139: Detailed information on Senate Bill 139 can be found here: https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/86R/billtext/html/SB00139F.htm and https://tea.texas.gov/about-tea/news-and-multimedia/correspondence/taa-letters/senate-bill-139-notice-to-families
These notices contain the following information:
Updates in Special Education |
Contact Person for Special Education Referrals School: Idalou ISD Contact Person: Amy Estrada, Special Education Director Phone Number: 806-892-1900 Email: aestrada@idalouisd.net To begin the special education process for |
Beginning with the 2017 school year, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) changed the way it reports special education enrollment in school systems. TEA no longer includes a target for a school system’s total numbers of students in special education as part of state monitoring. For special education representation, TEA only reports on over- representation within certain race, ethnicity and disability categories, as required by federal law. School systems cannot use this reporting data to delay, deny or prevent a referral for an evaluation for special education services. Special education/IDEA eligibility: The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, also known as IDEA, is a federal law that gives eligible students with disabilities the right to receive special education services and assistance in school. To be eligible for special education services, a student with a disability must need instruction that is specially designed to meet the student’s unique needs based on that disability. Who can request an evaluation for special education? Parents or Guardians: A parent or guardian has the right to request a special education evaluation at any time. It is best to submit this request in writing to your school’s principal or to the school district’s special education director. If your child is pre-school age and not yet enrolled in school, send the letter to the district’s special education director. School: If the school knows or has reason to suspect that the student has a disability and a need for special education services, the school must refer the student for a special education evaluation. More information on evaluation timelines can be found at: direc.to/dVYR A parent or guardian has the right to request a special education evaluation at any time. |
Resources for Families TEA has created topic specific information for families. Family members can call or log on to find answers to their questions as well as general information about special education. SpEdTex.org 1.855.773.3839
TEA.Texas.gov/TexasSpEd |
Actualizaciones en Educación Especial |
Persona de contacto para las remisiones de educación especial Escuela: Idalou ISD Persona de contacto: Amy Estrada, Special Education Director Número de teléfono: 806-892-1900 ext. 1116 Para comenzar el proceso de educación especial para su hijo: ________________________________ |
A partir del año escolar 2017, la Agencia de Educación de Texas (TEA, por sus siglas en inglés) cambió la forma en que informa la inscripción a la educación especial en sistemas escolares. La TEA ya no incluye un objetivo para el número total de estudiantes en educación especial del sistema escolar como parte de la supervisión del estado. Para la representación de educación especial, la TEA solo informa sobre la excesiva representación dentro de ciertas categorías de raza, grupo Elegibilidad para educación especial/IDEA La Ley de Educación para Personas con Discapacidad, también conocida como IDEA (por sus siglas en inglés) es una ley federal que otorga a los estudiantes elegibles con discapacidad el derecho a recibir servicios de educación especial y asistencia en la escuela. Para ser elegible para los servicios de educación especial, un estudiante con discapacidad debe necesitar instrucciones especialmente diseñadas para satisfacer las necesidades únicas del estudiante basadas en esa discapacidad. ¿Quién puede solicitar una evaluación para la educación especial? Padres o tutores legales: Un padre o tutor legal tiene el derecho a solicitar una evaluación de educación especial en cualquier momento. Es mejor presentar esta solicitud por escrito al director de su escuela o al director de educación especial del distrito escolar. Si su hijo está en edad preescolar y aún no está inscrito en la escuela, envíe la carta al director de educación especial del distrito. Escuela: Si la escuela sabe o tiene razones para sospechar que el estudiante tiene una discapacidad y una necesidad de servicios de educación especial, la escuela debe derivar al estudiante para una evaluación de educación especial. Puede obtener más información sobre los plazos de evaluación en: direc.to/dVYR Un padre o tutor legal tiene el derecho a solicitar una evaluación de educación especial en cualquier momento. |
Recursos para las familias La TEA ha creado información específica para las familias. Escanee el código QR o utilice el enlace para acceder a estos recursos. Los miembros de la familia pueden llamar o conectarse para encontrar respuestas a sus preguntas, así como información general sobre la educación especial. SpEdTex.org 1.855.773.3839
TEA.Texas.gov/TexasSpEd |
Compensatory Services (hard copies of all of these documents can also be found in the school offices):
Information about IDEA, Dyslexia, MTSS, and 504:
Legal Framework: http://framework.esc18.net/display/Webforms/ESC18-FW-LandingPage.aspx
Transition: https://www.transitionintexas.org/site/default.aspx?PageID=1
Child Find is the process by which districts and public charter schools identify and locate children needing evaluation.
All children birth-21 with disabilities or suspected of having a disability, regardless of the severity of their disabilities, and who are in need of special education and related services, must be identified, located, and evaluated.
Who can be a part of Child Find?
• Any child age birth-21 with a disability or suspected of having a disability
• Anyone concerned about a child can contact the Child Find representative for additional information and next steps.
• Districts are responsible for finding all students, including those parentally placed in private schools, children who are homeschooled and children who are homeless.
• Public charter schools are responsible for finding all students, including those who become homeless during enrollment.
Disabilities & Services
• If a student qualifies for district/charter special education services, these services are provided at no cost.
• Children are evaluated to determine the presence of one or more of the Following disabilities:
• Physical Disability• Deaf or Hard of Hearing • Visual Impairment• Deaf-Blindness• Intellectual Disability• Emotional Disturbance• Speech and/or Language • Autism• Health Impairment• Traumatic Brain Injury• Learning Disability
Helpful Online Resources:
TEA has created a new website where you can find all of the special education resources and information in one location. You can find that information here.
If you have any questions in regards to Special Education, please contact Amy Estrada, Special Education Director, at 806-892-1900